Singapore Stocks
Dear readers, on 26 Feb 2019, Singapore Stocks Investing revealed its Investment Strategy for All readers (you could visit this link to know more about the strategy).

In revealing SSI’s Investment Strategy, I believe SSI is the only Singapore’s Financial blog to do so. And it is also alright if I am not the only one. I just want to point out the fact that there are currently many websites and blogs that provides advice for investors to grow their monies. But what is often left unsaid in great depth is the Investment Strategy. We hear terms like “Value Investing”, “Technical Investing” and to know more, many would have to sign up for some free previews (which leads to some paid courses) to know more.

But I always believe in a SUSTAINABLE way to grow one’s monies in investing. And a relatively safe way for many. If we could just recall the recent Hyflux episode. Or the not too long ago, Noble Group. One such incident is one too many for investors. Because each dollar invested that leads to a loss is really a loss of one hard-earned dollars. And the hard reality is that some investors like retirees pour thousands of their dollars into what seems to be safe instruments to grow their wealth, only to be left with a hefty financial loss. And from what I have read, for some of he above group of investors, their retirement planning is now jeopardized!

Thus, SSI’s investing strategy is grounded in a simple fact of forming the bulk of one’s investment portfolio in a relatively safe vehicle of wealth growth, in a market we Singaporeans are familiar with and in a country which is among the world’s most politically sound countries. And hence the STI is chosen as the core of the investment portfolio.

Having formed this core, it is time to turn our sight on possible multi-baggers from all international markets. Multi-bagging counters that have the world or world’s largest markets as its markets through products which they are leaders. Dedicate a portion of investment portfolio to these to turbo-charge and grow your investment portfolio!

I hope SSI Investing Strategy is a choice for your Investing Strategy, a strategy that gives you some peace of (investing) mind and provides you with opportunities to multi-bag your portfolio! Join the emailing list to receive regular Financial and Singapore stocks newsletters too! Like" me on Singapore Stocks Investing Facebook page to receive all posts on your Facebook as well as read more articles. Follow me on Twitter too.

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