Dear readers, I recalled as a child, when I went to take a peek, excitedly at new wooden cabinets which were just installed, I sensed a strong smell that engulfed me, to a point that my eyes was in tears. 

brushed it off as the smell of new furniture. It was only when I watched a segment in our local news earlier this week, that I realized what I was breathing in, is a chemical called formaldehyde.

This is the chemical that irritated my eyes and is cancer-causing. I was surprised to know this only after so many decades of my existence on earth!

Through my research carried out after watching the segment, many low- and mid-priced cabinet brands use chipboard, medium-density fiberboard (MDF), or particleboard to build their cabinets. 

Formaldehyde-containing glue is frequently used to assemble MDF and particleboard cabinets and this is the reason why formaldehyde is present in many cabinets. 

I applauded the homeowner who alerted all of us risk of household cabinets with formaldehyde through her interview with our local news. 

For the homeowner, she was only alerted to the present of formaldehyde in her house after her kids kept falling sick and she invited her architect friend over. 

Her architect alerted her to the high level of particles caused by formaldehyde from her cabinets in her house. 

And soon after, she and her family evacuated their house for rectification efforts to be carried out. 

The rectifications effort comprised coating the household cabinets through a contractor to reduce significantly the level of formaldehyde in her household cabinets. 

It was also reported that more people are seeking professional help to get rid of a formaldehyde from their furniture in homes.

Some treatment firms say cases have spiked by up to 70 per cent compared to last year. I believe this trend is due to increasing awareness. 

You can watch the video below for more details of the aforementioned episodes as well as the interviews from related industry players thereafter.


I also read from the internet of alternatives to formaldehyde-containing wood. 

First is Hardwood. Hardwood is a non-toxic cabinet material because it is entirely composed of wood and does not require adhesives to bond the wood. However, Hardwood requires more maintenance and is sensitive to humidity. 

Next is Stainless Steel. Stainless is durable, classic, and hygienic but can be scratched easily.

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