Dear readers, 
I am on leave today and have the luxury of having the full day to myself, to do what I would like to do.

I used the word “luxury” as being a full-time employee myself, the bulk of the time during weekdays is not within my control. These working hours of mine are used for working, to achieve the goals of the organization which I am working for and in return, I am paid my salary.

After working hours and if  hopefully there is no overtime work, the remaining hours of a workday (which is night) can be rather unproductive as my energy of the day has been consumed or literally sucked out during work. On days, where there are lots of meetings or occasions for talks, I find my mental bandwidth and energy drained out even more.

Weekday nights are very challenging when it comes to deciding whether I should take my already exhausted body for a run and further train up? Or to rest and recuperate for the next day? In my current age (middle aged), I do not necessary stick to a strict regime of exercise, as I believe that when one is not young anymore, going for an exercise when the body is not fully rested or ready may lead to more unintended consequences for the body like injuries. Resting is equally vital for good health. And if I can, I will just wrap up a workday by turning to bed early, never mind what others say is a waste of time or that one can sleep forever when one leaves this world.

The same analogy for the energy state for many of us (aka lower energy) during workday night also apply to our lives. I always heard some saying that they will do this and do that only when they come to retirement. But when it comes to retirement, it is not a given, that we will still have the energy physically, mentally and spiritually to do the things that we intend to do then.

And what’s even more worrying is that unforeseen illnesses may bring one’s lifespan to an end faster than before or leave the individual in a less-than-ideal health condition during retirement. On the former, I have few colleagues who had a pain, consulted the doctor, only to find that they have late-stage cancer, they gave their Best of the fight against the cancer before passing on.

And this is why, I will encourage All of us to do the things (I suppose good things) that we want to do, start working for the goals we have, today and right now, as far as practicable! Don’t take things and time for granted. For myself, I hope to travel overseas more when I am still more physically active, to see more of our beautiful world (I love nature a lot) before the Universe asks me to go back home.

And from my experience, it is definitely alright to spend some time or even the whole day to do absolutely nothing! We are all human beings and not machines and it is really normal to take a break in this culture when many equate busyness to perception of being value and respect at work.

From my experiences, most of the times, when I am the most relaxed, the Universe will send very useful guidance or insights to me, that are of value to my life.

So, let us All give the Best of ourselves when it comes to work and at the same time, make time to pursue our passions, our goals, the simplest things in life that we like today!

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