Dear readers, there is a book called “Four Thousands Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman. 

As the title of the book suggests, all of us have limited lives on earth, perhaps averaging only some 80 years for most of us.

But I have an even more sobering insight!

Even if most of us live to an average of 80 years, we spend almost one-third of our time sleeping, this leaves us with only around 2,700 weeks of our lives in waking consciousness on our earth.

As soon as I reached 40 years of age, the reality of mortality starts to sink in to me: sooner or later, I will be gone.

And also, I do not take it for granted that I will age and pass on. I have more and more colleagues who discover only at the last stage that they have some form of cancer and they have passed on after giving the disease as best a fight that they can!

This is why, with age, insight and wisdom, I really focus on making the Best use of my life on earth, doing the most meaningful things that I can and always learning to be better so as to contribute more to the community.

And this is why I shun more and more away from unproductive talk and merry-making among friends and colleagues. I understand why some seem to live their lives like they will live forever as their thinking is to experience life, as what the popular tagline YOLO: You Only Live Once, seems to advocate.

I can more and more identify that my body is like a rental home and one day, I will be going to the true home in the universe and consciousness. Knowing this fact, isn’t it time now to start preparing to move to our true home by being more aware of our mortality and doing the things that matter right now?

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